1:3 Concentrated Iodine Teat Dip. VMD Authorised teat dip. An Iodophor With Glycerine & Sorbitol
Concentrated, Iodophor based teat dip/spray and udder wash
Contains 2.15% w/v Iodine (over 5000 ppm Iodine when diluted 1:3)
Medicines act approved Iodophor formulation
Effective aid in the control of mastitis
Economical in use
Contains 20% w/v Glycerine & Sorbitol
Helps maintain good teat condition
Dilute 1:500 as an udder wash/cluster dip
25 litres dilutes to make 100 litres Teat Dip/Spray
Size: 25 Litre / 200 Litre / 1000 Litre
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