Agrobs Alpine Forage Muesli

Number 1 best seller! It’s not hard to see why horses absolutely love this product – It smells and tastes as good as it looks………… simply heavenly!

Highly nutritious – packed with vitamins. minerals and anti-oxidants for your horses health and vitality.

15kg RRP – £POA

Please call to arrange collection – 0114 288 2465
Collection / local delivery only within a 10-mile radius of S75 3HP.


Why Choose Agrobs Pre Alpin?
NO soya, alfalfa, molasses, preservatives, binders, fillers or additives – NO CHEMICALS OR PESTICIDES.
Every bodily function in your horse depends on sound nutrition of which good forage is a vital component. Metabolic and insulin resistance issues are on the rise due to the amount of sugars and high glycaemic ingredients in their diets. This is partly due to the ready-to-eat processed cereal /grain equine feeds. While they may taste good, they are not always good for your horse. Horses are grazing animals; their digestive tracts were not designed to process things they would not normally find in a field or meadow. Feeds with excessive amounts of sugar or starch should be avoided as this may lead to colic, founder, or tying-up in horses. High fat content may compromise glycogen storage and excessive protein may lead to problems associated with ammonia production.

Fibre is an energy source that is often overlooked in horse nutrition. Horses have a highly developed hind gut that houses billions of bacteria and protozoa capable of fermenting large quantities of fibre. The end products of fibre fermentation can be used as energy sources throughout the day, since fermentation continues long after a meal has been consumed. This is known as slow release energy. Proper gut function is essential to the health and well-being of your horse, so fibre should be considered an essential nutrient.

Every year, more horse owners are turning to forage mixed rations; recognising that this is better source of nutrition, without compromising energy and performance levels. As we all know, horses are at their best with spring and summer pasture – feeding Pre Alpin products will give your horse the equivalent benefits at any time of year. Agrobs harvest at the optimum time and their unique process preserves all the taste and nutrients to keep your horse at its best.

Agrobs Pre Alpin forage feeds are high in fibre, low in sugar, starch and protein but full of minerals and vitamins, nutritious and safe feeds for every horse. Horses love the fresh alpine meadow smell of Pre Alpin feeds which are also very palatable. Our product range is equally suitable for horses with EMS (insulin resistance), PPID (cushings), laminitis, respiratory problems, food sensitivities and those recovering from illness. Agrobs Pre Alpin feeds are 100% pure and natural, no preservatives, additives, binders or fillers and versatile in use:

  • Substitute for a concentrate feed
  • Mix and match Pre Alpin products – create your own recipe to your horses taste preference
  • Add to existing rations
  • Make a combination feed of unmolassed sugar beet (30%) and a Pre Alpin product (70%)
  • Forage replacer—when turn out is limited or poor grazing or horses with poor teeth
  • Mix with water – most horses prefer feeds moist. Also ideal for re-hydration after competition or making a mash for veterans

Please contact us if you have any questions about feeding your horse with Agrobs Pre Alpin products – we are here to help.

Number 1 best seller! It’s not hard to see why horses absolutely love this product – It smells and tastes as good as it looks………… simply heavenly!
Highly nutritious – packed with vitamins. minerals and anti-oxidants for your horses health and vitality.

The base is Agrobs 60 grasses and herbs from the foothills of the Bavarian Alps with the addition of the following ingredients:
Parsnip, carrot and beetroot which deliver highly digestible fibre, organically bonded minerals and vitamins as well as secondary plant nutrients.
Sunflower seeds, linseed and black cumin pellets aid digestion and provides essential fatty acids
Vitamin rich apple pulp with its pectin content supports your horses intestinal flora.
Marigold and cornflower blossoms, rose hips, raspberry and blackberry leaves for added vitamins and nutrients.

All these 100% pure and natural ingredients make up a very unique and complete feed!

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Agrobs Alpine Forage Muesli Usage (PDF) »

Additional information

Weight 15 kg